Spanish Gin and Tonic

Illustration of a Spanish Gin and Tonic with Copenhagen Gin

Gin and Tonic is the most popular cocktail here in Sweden. On any cocktail menu, the gin and tonic list can sometimes take up the whole page. I’m not kidding. The Swedes love their G+Ts, but as I was doing some research, I found this article on the history of the Spanish Gin and tonic and I’m thinking this is where the Swedes got it from? They love to vacation in Spain so it makes sense. Gin and tonics here are served in big fish bowl glasses, with lots of aromatics, and tonic. The tonic options are endless. At the grocery store, the tonic section is at least 4 feet of assorted flavors. Everything from lime to elderflower, grapefruit to “nordic” and “Christmas” to Indian. It’s unreal. For aromatics, just about anything goes, so you can really customise your cocktail and make it your own.

Key Ingredients

  • Gin - this is personal preference. There are so many kinds of gin and you can change the taste of your cocktail simply by swapping out the gin. Currently our go to gin is Copenhagen Orange, but it changes with the season. A favorite is the limited edition we got from Juuls by VÆRNER DAM GIN in Copenhagen. This years had flavours of strawberry, basil, juniper, and citron.

  • Tonic - start with the regular and expand in to any of the other flavours. For a long time my go to was the Indian Tonic by Fevertree.

  • Aromatics - use various fruits, herbs, spices, and bitters to really customise your cocktail.

Easy Instructions

  • 2 oz Gin

  • 4 oz Tonic (or to your taste)

  • Any combination of aromatics - citrus peels, cucumber slices, grapefruit, basil, mint, rosemary, juniper berries, cardamom pods, cinnamon, angostura bitters, orange bitters

Combine the Gin and Tonic in a goblet glass with ice, and stir. Add any aromatics and garnishes and enjoy!

recipe card with instructions for how to make a Spanish Gin and Tonic

May Illustration Work


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