Cleanse recap
Well. I did it. I successfully completed the Clean Cleanse 21 day program. And it was amazing. I have to admit, now that I’ve been off of it for one week now, I kind of miss it. I experimented with the shakes, found my favorite ones - “cinnamon rolls for breakfast” anyone?!? - and kicked my sugar habit. Seriously. I can’t begin to rave enough about this cleanse.
The first few days were tough, I’m not going to lie, but once I got past day 3, it was easy. The hardest part for me was when I had friends who invited me to happy hour or a party and I had to drink water. That wasn’t hard, it was the fact that I had to explain why I was only drinking water. Then the conversation would turn to why I was doing this, what I hoped to gain, that I was plain crazy to do this. You get the idea. But I stuck to it. I felt too good not to. For the first time in a long time, I actually felt good.
The cleanse had the following effects on me:
Sleep. I haven’t had a decent sleep in I don’t know how long. I’d wake up in the middle of the night and lay staring at the ceiling for sometimes two hours- for no reason. Now, I’m sleeping soundly and waking up refreshed.
Energy. It was typical for me to hit a major energy slump in the middle of the day. My team at work can tell you how I hit the candy bowl hard around 3. EVERY DAY! But on the cleanse, I didn’t need anything. I had stable energy the whole day
Glowing skin. Friends noticed and commented. I didn’t have dry, flaky spots. Just clean, clear skin.
Clear head. I think and focus better. Prior to cleansing, there were times when I couldn’t focus or concentrate to save my life. Really, it was getting annoying. Now that’s gone.
Leaner. I didn’t weigh myself at the beginning, but my clothes are looser and I feel lighter. Who doesn’t like that?
I could go on and on- you’d think they paid me to say this (I wish!). Bottom line, I loved this cleanse. I’ve even been trying to get my parents to do it. If you want to get your eating habits back in line, make a change in your diet or just get yourself healthy, try this cleanse. You won’t be sorry.
*Clean program did not supply any of their products to me. All opinions and experiences are my own.