Month in Review - January

Illustration of a girl with towel on her head and eye masks under her eyes

Starting a new series were I recap how the last month went and what’s on my mind. Let me know what you think and if you’d like to see these consistently.

January was off to a slow start and while I spent time working on my goals for my business, I also spent some time identifying what makes me happy. It's no secret last year did a number on me (everything from health issues to grief/loss). But this year is going to be better! This year I'm establishing routines I can do consistently.  If I've learned anything this past year, it's consistency that wins the battle, not intensity.

 First on the list? Do things I LOVE.

 🧖🏼‍♀️ Some girlfriends and I created a bathhouse/sauna group and have consistently gone once a week. The 🥵/🥶 therapy is doing wonders for my back issues and inflammation. I'm looking forward to exploring all the bathhouses in the region (there are quite a few!). Not to mention, I feel like a badass saying I was in the sea and it was below freezing. And let’s not forget to mention the body positivity that comes from sharing the sauna with women of all shapes and sizes (naked!) and remembering that we are all beautiful.

🏋🏻‍♀️ getting my workout on. I used to LOVE HIIT, Spin, or anything that fully challenged my body- the sweatier, more intense the better. Like it was a badge of honor to complete. What I've learned is my body can't take that abuse anymore. I kept getting injured. Which would sideline me for weeks at a time. Late last year I slowed down my workouts, focused on strength training and mobility and I'm finally feeling the results. I’ve been doing EVLO workouts and truly LOVE them. They’ve also helped with my back and sciatica, strengthening the muscles to help support those areas. 

🏃🏻‍♀️ slowly start running again - it is such a mental escape/release for me and I really miss it. I talked it over with my Physical Therapist to make sure I'm not causing more harm, and I got the green light to start SLOW. I'm hoping to get into the Øresund Bridge Half Marathon next June 2025 (registration opens Feb 1). That gives me 16 months of training, plenty of time to prepare. Fingers crossed I get in, it's only open to 40,000 runners and the demand is expected to be HUGE. The last time they held this run was when the bridge between Copenhagen and Malmo opened 25 years ago!

✈️ 👯‍♀️ more girl trips (and travel in general!). I ended last year going on a trip with two of my girlfriends and realized how much I miss it. I used to go on girl trips at least once a year. Since COVID and then moving to Sweden, this fell down the priority list. I also realized how taking care of an aging dog changed my routines (all worth it and wouldn’t change any of it) and made some things just not possible for a time. This is the year I get back to travel. If you’re looking to come to Europe, hit me up! If I can swing it, I’d love to meet up.

🙋🏻‍♀️ say YES more. I’m an introvert through and through. While I love hosting for close friends, I’m not great at committing to things outside my comfort zone. My girlfriend invited me out to a concert last week and normally I would have said no. But I decided I should go. And you know what? I had SO.MUCH.FUN. Discovered a venue I really like, tried out a new bar, and just overall enjoyed the evening so much. I need to not overthink things and just do.


This year already feels so much different than last year at this time. I’m excited to see what unfolds this year. How about you?


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