Oh Baby! Gift Ideas for the mom to be
I don’t know about you, but lately it seems like everyone I know is announcing they are pregnant. It’s all very exciting, except as someone who doesn’t have kids (unless fur babies count?) it can be overwhelming trying to buy a gift. Sure, I can always go off their registry and get them things that they need, but I like to give something more personal. I like to take my time finding a gift I think they will love and use.
I’ve done a few custom illustrations for mom’s to be as gifts and they’ve been loved dearly. It’s different, unique, and personal. I’ve also done illustrations to be used at the shower, highlighting the mom to be.
If a custom illustration isn’t in your budget or timing, below are a few of my favorite go to gifts:
Block set - Love the colors and they are all natural, non toxic
Wooden Toys - again all natural and so many options
Mama Belly Oil -I’ve heard from new moms that this is AMAZING
First Forty Days Book - a book every new mom should have
Bee Balm - You can use this stuff for anything - mom, baby, you name it
Baby Quilt - I love the quality and colors they offer
Organic Bamboo Washcloth/Baby Wipe - I use these myself for taking of makeup, but they would be excellent fo wash baby.
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