Mixed berry smoothie
Day 2 and this is my life for the next 20 days. Two smoothies a day with a clean meal sandwiched in the middle for lunch. Am I hungry? Nope! With smoothies like pumpkin pie, malted “milk” shake, and peach/apple cobbler I’m getting my fill. Clean has an amazing online community that has support rooms, recipes, “coaches”, journaling areas, you name it. They’ve provided everything you need to support you through your cleanse and beyond.
So how am I doing today? Definitely feeling it. I started to get sluggish around 5:30 and if I weren’t typing this right now, I think I would be passed out in bed. Overall, I’d say I’m still feeling good- minus the slight headache. I’m sure that’s the sugar withdrawl. I already feel lighter, but this isn’t about losing weight, it’s about getting back to clean eating and detoxing my body of all the crap I’ve indulged in for the past 3 months.
The only thing I’m finding somewhat difficult right now is making my lunch. Because I am cooking a clean meal and want it to be of substance (it is my only “meal” of the day), I tend to cook when I get home from work, which makes me want to eat that instead of the smoothie I also make when I get home. Not good. I’m hoping this will go away after the next few days.
The key to success with the cleanse as well as post cleanse is planning. You need to have fresh ingredients on hand at all times. Whipping something up is easy when you have the right food. I’m convinced this is one of the main reasons I veered from my otherwise healthy diet. Lack of planning and consistent grocery shopping will lead to bad decisions and laziness. Hopefully this will get me back on track with that as well.
See ya tomorrow!
xx Erin