Monthly Muse: Nikki and Anna of Hagen & Oats


Happy April! Hope you are all making the best of social distancing and our current new normal right now. With all going on in the world right now, it’s the small things creating normalcy for me that are helping to cope. Which is why I was so excited to share this month’s Monthly Muse. It’s a small bit of my normal routine and I look forward to every Monthly Muse I interact with. Now, more than ever, I appreciate them taking the time to answer my questions and allow me to share what they do with all of you. This month’s muses, there are two of them, are Nikki and Anna- founders of Hagen and Oats. Hagen and Oats is a custom wood sign and decor company. They have two shops, a website, a workshop that they hold classes in, and are sold in 40 shops across the country. What started as a hobby turned into a full fledged business. Read on to learn how they did it.

What did you want to be when you grew up and did you follow that path?

If you had told us five years ago we’d be working together, doing woodworking, we would have laughed. Nikki was working with a corporate pizza company in franchising and Anna was working as a mental health therapist. Our path drastically changed after we posted that first piece of art on Facebook! Nikki has a degree in Graphic Design, which helped with the little stuff in the beginning; logos, designs, etc. We didn’t have a plan but we just went with what our guts were telling us. Nothing was forced and it was low risk! 

How did you get started in woodworking? Did you set out for it to be your career, or was it a hobby? 

We have always done projects together; it was part of our bond. Woodworking was just one of those projects that became so much more. Anna and I never had any technical training in woodworking. What we were taught was that we can do anything we want if we just try. Growing up we worked on projects with our dad and he really showed us that you could figure it out.  When Hagen and Oats started we were new to all the tools we now use on a daily basis. We figured out how to use them and over the past 4 years we have gotten pretty skilled at it!

Whose idea was it to start Hagen and Oats? Had you worked together before?

We have worked several serving jobs in college together, nothing at this level. We never intended to make this a company but as our customers (mostly) starting asking for pieces it got to a point where we had to start tracking our income. After a year we needed an employee and off we went. It was never a goal but we are so glad we took this path. 

Tell me a bit about those first years - how did you build your business?

It all happened pretty fast in hindsight. We would make one project that eventually evolved to another and so on. Minnesota is so supportive of the local brands it wasn’t long before we had our first news spot on Twin Cities Live. Every small victory seemed so big. In those early days everything was so exciting as we had never been down this path before. We were working out of our garages and eventually got a small space in Newport. First it was 600SF, then 1000 more and now we have a 5000SF shop. With every show, event, and class…we call it planting seeds. Nothing is going to be the magic flower, but soon enough they all become part of your garden. 

You've grown your team and locations, how did you know when to time was right to expand? Do you have plans for further growth?

Similar to our growth, it seems like opportunities present themselves at the exact time we need them. We have trusted if something doesn’t work out for one reason or another it likely wasn’t meant to be and visa versa. Nikki quit her corporate gig about a year in and Anna after three years. As we have needed crew for growth so we reach out and find that help. We are honest and transparent with our team so they know what they are getting in to. We plan on growing on the ground locally and cross-country online!

What's next for Hagen and Oats? (um shark tank?????) :)

Unfortunately we didn’t get a call back from the Sharks this time. We had a blast and learned a ton. We will likely tryout again, but for today we are thankful for the knowledge and support we gained from the experience. We plan on keeping creative and there might be a fun Gunnies Book of World Records event happening in the future (pending approval)

Rapid Fire Questions;

  • Early Bird or Burn the Midnight Oil: Both EARLY birds. Lunch is at 11.

  • Control freak or go with the flow: Anna- goes with the flow, Nikki – control freak PERFECT COMBO. 

  • Favorite piece you've created: Its always changing. Our pet pieces are pretty incredible. The details keep getting better and better. We often take on projects we have no idea how to do. They are hard and annoying and always totally worth it in the end! We just did an 8 ft. sign for a construction company and built rope lights into the piece. Its sweet! 

  • 3 words to describe each other

Nikki: funny, driven and authentic Anna: creative, funny and witty 

  • Dog person or cat person

Nikki- Both (Oats was my cat) I have 2 dogs

Anna- Nah girl hahah. People person

Thanks Ladies for taking the time to share your story. You can find Hagen and Oats on their website and social media.


Monthly Muse: Sairey Gernes, Founder of Urban Undercover


A love letter to all delivery people