Surviving Winter : 5 Activities that got me back outside


As a kid, I lived for winter. I would spend hours out in the cold and snow, not bothered by it. Then, at some point in my adulthood, I started to really hate winter. The bitter cold. The snow (and shoveling). The days so short all you want to do is curl up under a blanket and watch movies. Winter got downright depressing and I needed to change that.

I realized when I was younger, I had tons of activities that got me outside and then kept me out there. I needed to re-engage with them and learn to appreciate winter again. So, I changed my attitude and started to embrace all the things I used to do. I started downhill skiing again. I tried my hand at snowboarding. It didn’t stick, but at least I tried! And let’s face it, I’m just not the cool to pull off the snowboarder look (but I wish!). I’ve taken up snowshoeing and hiking with my Yaktrax on to grip the packed snow. Cross country skiing is next on my list. i used to LOVE cross country skiing, and it’s time I got back into it. Heck, I might even try ice skating again (although I did break my arm doing it once, not sure I should tempt fate again!)

Taking these sports back up, getting outside in the fresh air, and just being active in winter has made me fall in love with the season again. In fact, I actually wish for snow! I mean if it’s going to be cold out, I might as well be able to do something in it.

What about you? How do you survive winter?


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