Denim & Ink Design

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June Illustration Work

June was all about personal projects. I did have some client work and a custom illustration, but the bulk of the month I spend designing new prints for the shop. I also spent a lot of time working on SEO on my website. Anything to get my work to show up in searches is great!

Custom Illustrations

I had one custom illustration for a friend and repeat client this month and thought I would share all three that I’ve created over the years for them. When each of their children have turned 10, I’ve illustrated them. My style and work has changed A LOT over the years, and when seeing the all together like this I can see how dramatic the change has been. When you’re in it day in and day out, you don’t always see the progress you’ve made. And, what a fun keepsake of the kids! If you would like me to create something similar for you, you can submit a request here.

Home Illustrations

Home illustration work picks up in the summer as that is peak buying season. I’m still looking to work with a few more agents or agencies, so if you know of anyone that would be interested, please send them my way. I offer both 5x7 and 8x10 sized prints and I package them so they are ready to be gifted. I also include the address written on the final printed illustration (I left the address off of these for privacy reasons).

Personal Projects

I took some time reworking some prints I want to sell in the shop. They should be live in a week or two, once I’ve formatted them all and decided on sizes. I’m going to do a complete overhaul of the shop and discontinue items that have been there for quite a while.