Mocktail Hour: Fresh Lime Soda

Looking for a tasty drink that also keeps you hydrated? This fresh lime soda is the ticket and simple to make. It’s 100% customizable to your tastes. Like it sweeter? Use less salt. Want it saltier, you can omit the sugar all together. This is my go to refresher for those really hot days.

Key Ingredients

  • Lime juice - freshly squeezed, you can use lemon if you prefer.

  • Soda Water

  • Salt

  • Simple syrup or cane sugar - whichever you have on hand will work.

Easy Instructions

  1. Squeeze the juice of one lime into glass

  2. Add salt

  3. Add Sugar

  4. Mix well so both salt and sugar are dissolved

  5. Top with soda water and enjoy!


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